Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Call your North Carolina Lawmaker to reduce your Auto insurance premium.

There is a hidden cost in your NC auto premium.  It is the Clean Risk Allocation Surcharge.  Basically a tax levied on you to help the bad drivers who are insured in the NC Reinsurance Facility ( similiar to Assigned Risk in other states) pay for their insurance.  

Here is a website that goes more in depth;  http://www.insurancefederationnc.com/message/45/

If you want the condensed version:

Over time, SB477 also would eliminate a surcharge paid by all North Carolina drivers to cover the annual shortfall attributed to drivers in the Reinsurance Facility who are known as “clean risks.”  Though this “clean risk” surcharge is not disclosed to drivers, it averages 5-7 percent of a driver’s premium and has ranged as high as 10 percent.

Bottom Line: go to http://www.ncleg.net/ and find who your representatives are and notify them you would like this bill passed.  Well that is if you don't want to help other folks pay for their bad driving habits that is!

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